
Chronology :

750 Km by canoe on the trail of the Nahanni discoverers.


9 000 à 10 000:

First trace of human presence discovered close to the lake Yohin. The oral tradition attest the presence of Autochtones on this territory.


1803-1804 :

The "company of North-Ouest" establshes a trading post in Fort Simpson. following year, it builds another post trade near the Nahanni.


1823-1824 :

Representatives of the Hudson Company meet Nah?a has for the first time close to the rivers Meilleur and Jackfish. They exchange firearms, ammunition, tools against skins (beaver).


1825 :

The Company of the Hudson Bay exploits a trading post on the edges of Nahanni during 1 year.


1840-1850 :

The draft of the furs becomes a lifestyle for Denes. The hunters furrow the area in search of animals. They contract debt while buying at credit with the Company of the Hudson Bay . The Anglicans missionaries and catholics spread Christianity and the European culture at Denes. They encourage them to establish close to the trading postt. A few Denes chooses Fort Simpson, and Fort Liard. Europeans bring with them diseases.


1898 :

The gold rush in Klondike attract the prospectors in the area. A few arrive at Edmonton, and others at Fort Liard. Few try to clear a passage throught the Nahanni.


1900 :

A dene people bring for the first time gold at Fort Liard.


1904 :

The Reputation of the Nahanni like paradise of the gold prospector is quickly tarnished by a series of unexplained disappearances. This dark episode begins in 1904 by disappearance of 2 brothers, Frank and William McLeod, and of their associate Robert Weir, all left to prospect the vicinity.


1908 :

The corpses without head of the 2 brothers are find in the "Deadmen"valley .


1915 :

Martin Jorgenson is found died in his hut. One discovers the cold body of the trapper John O' brien close to the remainders of a campfire in the surroundings of the Twisted mount. From 1915 to 1950, Jack LaFlair is made independent trader and becomes thus the competitor of the Company of the Hudson Bay . It establishes his trading post at Nahanni Butte.


1920 :

The furs are buy at full price on the worldwide markets; the trade of the skins seems promised with a bright future in the area. The Denes concentrate their activity on furs. The few Western trappers make it mainly to finance their own prospecting works.


Years 1920 :

The Western trappers and prospectors flow into the area attracted by presumed gold. A steamer is brought into service on the Liard, it makes stopover within Nahanni Butte. It's at that time who come the legendary Albert Faille, R.M Patterson, Jack Stanier and a little later Gus Kraus which will install permanently in the area.


1921 :

Denes and the government of Canada sign the treaty No 11.


1928 :

The flu epidemic makes rage in North everywhere, decimating whole communities. A great number of wise and healers die for this period, and with them collapse the memory and a mostly the traditional knowledge.


End of the year 1920 :

Coming of planes facilitate the access of the area. George Dalziel, called the “flying trapper” frequently goes there. Bush Pilots, Leigh Brintnell and the famous “Wop” May, with the help of Clark, Stanier, Kraus and others, to promote the creation of contorsiums of prospectors in the area of Nahanni.


Years 1940 :

Scientific report and investments of the South (especially from Ontario), give a dash to the mineral prospection. During post-war period, the projects of mine core in the area are mainly the fact of large companies profiting from the support of the governmen. Many companies try their chance in the area without succed, only Canada Tungsten Corporation ends up opening a mine.


1940 :

Gus Kraus builds a hut at the thermal springs, then goes back there in the following year with his wife Mary. This one comes from Netla, a camp arranged by Denes in the area of Nahanni-Ridges. The couple will live in an intermittent way until 1971.


1958 :

The new hamlet of Nahanni Ridges formed of few houses and a church is born.


1960 :

The Tungsten ore build a all seasons motor-road and an allotment provide a basic infrastructure. The mine, which is placed on the higher course of the Flat river, is still in activity.


1964 :

Success of Jean Poirel expedition: descent of the Nahanni river with inflatable boats.Until 1968, he will explore several caves in the 1st canyon, which one is called the Valerie cave.


1969 :

Frison-Roche, the French writer and Pierre Terraz, the photographer of Chamonix, accompanied by Gus Kraus and the Mary father, go up the river until the Virginia falls, with a small motorboat.


1976 :

The reserve of Nahanni national park is officially created.


1978 :

UNESCO makes of Nahanni, a site of the world heritage.


1982 :

The mining company Cadillac Mine Incorpored undertakes the exploitation of silver mine. It has just time to arrange a factory, a ice road, already, courses of silver break down. The mine is put under sequestration before even being able to start production.


1987 :

The South Nahanni is classified, river of the Canadian inheritance.


1999-2000 :

A series of projects; exploration andextraction are proposed for the area. The First Nations of Deh Cho and the government of Canada set up a consensual team of Nah?a Dehe. The purpose of this group is to determine the ecological limits which take on an interest for the reserve of Nahanni national park.


2009 :

Enlarging of the borders of the Park of Nahanni.
